The Online Resilience Course is by far the best way to learn how to build up resilience in your life.
You can apply the principles taught in this online course to your personal and business life increasing your overall happiness and wellbeing.
Preview this course - (1 preview lessons)
Stress is on the increase at work; we face daily challenges such as continuous change and pressure to deliver more with fewer resources.
This course gives delegates a range of strategies to cope better with the pressure and stress of workplace challenges.
This course is designed for managers and team leaders who have completed the Developing Resilience course.
Developing assertiveness goes hand in hand with building Resilience.
This course explains what is meant by assertiveness, and why it is a good skill to have.
A Resilient Conversation is a structured exploration of how conversations can be sabotaged by either party’s lack of resilience.
You will explore all the “tricks and subterfuges” that people use to undermine your resilience, and understand how to prevent yourself from falling prey to these traps.
Developing assertiveness goes hand in hand with building Resilience.
This course explains what is meant by assertiveness, and why it is a good skill to have.
This is a hands-on opportunity to learn about how to coach team members.
There is no powerpoint presentation; instead we will work in small groups to practise live coaching skills and gradually build up your confidence to effectively coach team members.
Delegates will work in groups of 3-4 practising the coaching skills and techniques learnt on the Coaching Skills course.
They will undertake live coaching under the supervision of an experienced coach, and receive feedback on their performance.
One of the best ways to check your understanding and knowledge of a topic is by teaching it to someone else.
This Course will help you to do just that.
This workshop explores why and how communication breaks down, and what we can do to prevent that from happening.
You will explore the four behavioural styles which define an individual’s preferred way of communicating, and how these impact on communication breakdown.